Profile of jrobledo

Profile of jrobledo






20 beer caps
Joined 13 years ago
From Tucson, AZ, United States
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  • Caguama Special Export
    rated 2.6 13 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 4

    I am not a beer specialist and cannot talk to the body of the beer or anything else along those lines. I can talk to years of trying different beers to see if I like something. First off, here is what I like: Dos Equis (the best served ice cold), Coors Light (I like this, but many people think it is light too light), Labbat's Blue LIght (I have had this a few times and I really like the taste). So, for the Caguama Beer. In Mexico, they sell something called Caguama, this is not what I had on the Salvadoran beer, if it is, then I was too wasted to be able to tell in Mexico. Now for the beer review. This beer looked interesting to me for the picture of the turtle. I bought a six and they were super ice cold from Fry's in Sahuarita AZ. I sat down and proceeded to take a beer cruise. I popped one open and man, I immediately noticed that this beer had a strange taste. I then noticed that it had a very strong smell (I was outside and I could smell the beer). I then proceeded to down a few. What did I notice? It takes 3 of these to do what 6 Coors Lights do and then some. Is this higher content of alcohol? So, what did I learn about this beer? Well, it's about as strange tasting as all the beers. I can safely say that if you survive the first 2, you will be fine with any that follow. Was this fruity, full bodied, textured, dry? I don't know, but it had me flying at 3 and it tasted like shit, as most beers do to me.

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