Beer Madness 2012
General Beer Discussion by FOAMDOME
If it's March, it's time for a certain famous tournament.... The Washington Post's 6th annual March Madness-style tournament for beer is on! As in previous years, there are 32 beers in the lineup. They tried 64 last year, but that effort at greater inclusiveness proved too difficult to manage. One thing that was carried forward from last year: the bracket structure. Notice that the four beer "regions" have beers with common flavor profiles. For example, hoppy beers are grouped together, and malty, and roasty, and fruity / spicey. cool graphic: Remember, this is a blind judging--no one knows the brand names when they do the pairwise comparison and vote. There are a dozen experts on the panel. (How do I get this gig?) Videos and a printable bracket are at the link: Have FUN!
12 years ago
An update on this year's Beer Madness competition. A local brew, DC Brau's hoppy The Public edged DFH's Burton Baton to make the Final Four. It then lost to Maui Coconut Porter, proving once again that there is no accounting for taste--even among so-called judges. So now it's down to the aforementioned porter and last year's returning champeen, Flying Fish's Exit #4, an Americanized Belgian tripel. The winner will be announced April 11th!
Winner of the 2012 Beer Madness competition, by a vote of 5-4, is Maui CoCoNut Porter! Article is here: Final bracket is here: A canned coconut porter from a billion miles away better than a Rye PA? Or a Belgian Tripel? Or a Franco-Belgo Saisson? Or an aggressively hoppy pale brewed right here in DC? Where is the infamously corrupt DC power play when our own local DC beer doesn't win a locally-run election? I don't make it up, I just report it.