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Abita Christmas Ale

Beer Discussion by SLOWRUNNER77

BeerPal Notice: This topic was created for discussion of the beer Abita Christmas Ale. says right on the label that every year is a different recipe...can i add abita christmas 2011 (not a brown ale)?

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13 years ago
# 1
# 1

i remember a while back hearing its just small tweaks, not malt or hop changes.. plus, i drink it nearly every year and it tastes the damn same every year...

13 years ago
# 2
# 2

i think the same thing about Anchor OSA and it still gets a new entry every year. just wondering where to draw the line when the brewer flat out says different recipe. it's a brown on here, amber ale on RB. it was similar too, but not the same as last time i had it. not particularly good either year [;)]

quote: Originally posted by Suds McDuff
i remember a while back hearing its just small tweaks, not malt or hop changes.. plus, i drink it nearly every year and it tastes the damn same every year...

13 years ago
# 3
# 3

quote: Originally posted by slowrunner77
i think the same thing about Anchor OSA and it still gets a new entry every year. just wondering where to draw the line when the brewer flat out says different recipe. it's a brown on here, amber ale on RB. it was similar too, but not the same as last time i had it. not particularly good either year [;)]
quote: quote: Originally posted by Suds McDuff
i remember a while back hearing its just small tweaks, not malt or hop changes.. plus, i drink it nearly every year and it tastes the damn same every year...
i sent them an email.. lets see what they say...

13 years ago
# 4
# 4

Suds, I like the new profile pic.

13 years ago
# 5
# 5

quote: Originally posted by slowrunner77
Suds, I like the new profile pic.
thank you.. i find myself just staring at it sometimes........

13 years ago
# 6
# 6

. . . .got this back.. doesn't sound like a new one to me- but maybe the admins or flash can chime in... "The changes are relatively subtle, but certainly enough to notice. Spice choices/quantity, level of hops/malt, and occasionally a different type of hops or malt. For instance, this year they really upped the hop content and almost made it like a dark, spiced IPA. As a hophead I thought it was, in a word, awesome." it just seems without a major change or a defined recipe each year, doesn't seem necessary... and i'm a ticker too so ... but whatever the admins go for i'm cool with it..

13 years ago
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