Bohemian / Czech Pilsener

Bohemian / Czech Pilsener

3229 beers | 3.110 Avg Score

The Bohemian Pilsener is a golden, pale colored lager originating in 1842 in the Czech Republic and which was later adopted by German brewers who created ther own German Pilsener style. (Ultimately, a good majority of the world's pale lagers distantly resemble a pilsener in their base style.) The poured pilsener can be a beautiful site as they are often brilliantly clear, display significant carbonation in the glass, and crowned with fluffy white pillowy heads. They are brewed mostly with pils malts and European / German noble hop varieties, Saaz being a key component of the original Bohemian versions. The aromas and flavors display grainy and sometimes biscuit-like malts (honey and sulfur-like accents are not abnormal), yet normally feature most prominently a firm hop presence which can yield a strong bitterness and floral, spicey, or grassy qualities. The mouthfeels are typically medium to medium-high in carbonation with a crisp and even dry finish.