Oitava Colina

Oitava Colina

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Travessa da Pereira 16 a Arm.5
Lisboa, 1170-313

218 278 528

Year Established: 2015


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We were born in 2015 to brew the beers we wanted to drink, and we always kept focused on quality. We settled our brewery in Lisbon’s Graça neighbourhood and from there we started our mission to change beer consumption in Portugal. We believe we’ve been achieving it daily and we’ll keep doing it. We brewed a dozen of new beers, reached the entire country, managed to export abroad, and opened our own places in Lisbon. The best part is that we are aware this is just the beginning. The Oitava Colina Oitava Colina stands for Eight Hill. When Frei Nicolau de Oliveira, in the XVII century, named Lisbon as the city of the seven hills, he did it wrongly on purpose. As seen by the river, then the city’s entrance door, Lisbon had seven hills on sight. At least from that perspective, the castle blocks the sight of Graça Hill. The Frei noticed there was another hill behind the castle, the 8th hill, but he decides to marginalize it just to make the parallel to Rome, then the world’s biggest city, the city of the 7 hills. Our brewery is on Graça Hill. For the sake of historic justice, we decided to adopt that name, 8ª Colina, 8th Hill.

ID: 13624 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 2 years ago

Quick Stats






Most Drunk: None
Highest Rated: Oitava Colina Urraca Vendaval [3.160]
Most Reviewed: Oitava Colina Urraca Vendaval [2]


Beer | Style | ABV Score
Oitava Colina / Laugar Imperial Stout
Imperial Stout| 11 %
Oitava Colina / Passarola Brewing Produzem uma American Strong Ale
Strong Ale| 9 %
Oitava Colina / Post Scriptum Wit'Or
Witbier| 4.8 %
Oitava Colina / Yria / CRAK / ArtBeerFest Satantonio Old Ale
Old Ale| 10.5 %
Oitava Colina 7 Anos Brown IPA
American Black Ale| 5 %
Oitava Colina Agasalho Cocoa Winter Ale
Brown Ale| 8.5 %
Oitava Colina Andrade
Rauchbier| 7 %
Oitava Colina Dias de Bazófia
Extra Special Bitter| 6 %
Oitava Colina Filho de Putin
Imperial Stout| 11 %
Oitava Colina Florinda
Pale Lager| 5.2 %
Oitava Colina Iolanda Double IPA
Imperial IPA| -
3.125 (1)
Oitava Colina Iolanda Double IPA
Imperial IPA| 9 %
Oitava Colina Joe da Silva
American Pale Ale| 5.5 %
2.950 (1)
Oitava Colina MAG8
American Black Ale| 6.5 %
Oitava Colina Mané & Xandon
Ale| 8 %
Oitava Colina Matias Tozé
Ale| -
3.025 (1)
Oitava Colina Matias Tozé
Ale| 8 %
Oitava Colina Plantageneta
American Barleywine| 11.5 %
Oitava Colina Teobaldo
Abbey Tripel| 9.5 %
3.125 (1)
Oitava Colina Tovarisch
Imperial Stout| 11 %
Oitava Colina Urraca Vendaval
IPA| 6 %
3.160 (2)
Oitava Colina Vila Irene
Kölsch| 5 %
Oitava Colina Vila Maria
Blonde Ale| 5 %
Oitava Colina Vila Martins
Ale| 5.5 %
Oitava Colina Vila Rodrigues
American Black Ale| 8 %
Oitava Colina Zé Arnaldo
Porter| 6 %

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