
Kitty OSheas, Paris

Kitty OSheas, Paris

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10 rue des Capucines
Paris, 75002


Year Established: 1986


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Kitty O'Shea's Paris is now one of Paris', if not France's, oldest and best loved Irish bar. A fact due to its central location at 10 rue des Capucines in the second Arrondissement, in the very heart of Paris. Its success has been due to its authentic Irish décor and friendly Irish bar staff. Apart from Kitty O'Shea's standing in the Parisian Community, it has become legendary across Europe as a sporting pub, and is particularly renowned for rugby. Each year as the 6 nations tournaments commence, Irish, English, Scottish, Welsh, French and Italian rugby fans descend on it in search of ambiance and chat that is only found in the best loved of all bars.

ID: 8652 Last updated 5 days ago Added to database 15 years ago

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