
Ridgeway Seriously Bad Elf

Ridgeway Seriously Bad Elf

Rated 3.026 by BeerPals
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Brewed by Hepworth and Co Brewers Ltd

South Stoke, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Style:  English Strong Ale

9% Alcohol by Volume

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"I suppose I should have seen it coming this time," growled old Claus. "Holiday ornaments mysteriously disapearing - turning up broken - reindeer falling from the sky inexplicably...and then of course, I discovered that tiny hands have been prying into that cask of wondeful new Double Ale I've got stashed down in the cellar. That's when I called in a specialist from the Elf Department. He just confirmed what I already suspected. We've got a rather seriouself problem here at the Pole."

ID: 20145 Last updated 18 years ago Added to database 18 years ago

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Overall Rank41077
Overall Percentile23.2
Style Rank303 of 359
Style Percentile15.6
Lowest Score2.1
Highest Score3.6
Average Score3.033
Weighted Score3.026
Standard Deviation0.460

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12 Member Reviews

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  • SLOWRUNNER77 5682 reviews
    rated 2.9 11 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 5

    lighter in color than reindeers revolt, but more alcoholic. nose is sweet, bready and some corn with faint hops. flavor similar with a little grass. nothing really stands out here at all but the abv.

  • HEYBEERMAN 1025 reviews
    rated 3.0 11 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 6

    Almost reminds me of a double pils, over sweet and too corny. Head doesn't stick around and color is just slightly darker than yellow. Some hops would have helped this but as is its just too much sweet and unbalanced.

  • RJA 2975 reviews
    rated 2.5 14 years ago

    Aroma: 4 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

    This one is a crystal clear goldfen amber colored ale. A small foamy white head that disappears all too quickly, leaving no lacing atall. The aroma is sweet, sweet malt. The body is light with a smoothness. Not much carbonation and I’m wondering where is the alcohol bite. The taste is not complex at all. Sweet, sweet. But drinkable

  • FUNK 898 reviews
    rated 3.5 15 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 7

    Pours a golden color with a medium white head. Aroma is sweet with hints of bubblegum and caramel. Taste is similarly sweet but not too much so. Although high in alcohol, it is well hidden. Although this is a good brew, there are better winter beers available at a lower price.

  • BIGBRY 516 reviews
    rated 3.4 15 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

    The third 500 ml bottle from the 4 pack of Ridgeway Christmas brews. Pours a light copper color with a slightly off white head. Average retention, some thin lace rings. Smell is sweet malt, some spices, and an alcohol burn. Taste has some good sweet malt, toffee or caramel, and some fruit-like hoppiness. Again, the alcohol is pretty strong, making it quite hot. Mouthfeel more full bodied, limited carbonation keeps it creamy. After a while the alcohol started to take over and dominate making it harsh to handle. I love the elf wearing a lumberjack shirt firing a christmas ball with his slingshot.

  • STALEYIV 1405 reviews
    rated 3.2 16 years ago

    Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 6

    (Green's Trip 08'x2) Aroma on this brew is malty sweet with some bubblegum and banana taffy and maybe some buttery characteristics. Appearance is a golden bronze-orange with a medium head on top that is bleach-white in color and diminishes to a light lacing that sticks to the glass. Mouthfeel is medium-bodied with decent complexity as well as balance with a palate that is clean and wet-like. Flavor is malty sweet with some slight raisin overtones as well as some caramel with an aftertaste that is toffee and a finish that is cotton candy and banana with not much alcohol coming through. Overall, an interesting brew here with some sweetness and is not bad but just a tad boring for the most part but very drinkable.

  • CYBERCAT 11711 reviews
    rated 3.6 16 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

    Pours a nice clear amber with a thick, white, fairly persistent head. Aroma is strong and malty, with whispers of fruit. Maltiness dominates the flavor, which has apple undertones - rather like a cider - and a strong alcohol bite. Mouth-feel is smooth but edgy; aftertaste is fruity and alcohol-ish with just a little bitterness.

  • BEERGUY101 5022 reviews
    rated 2.1 16 years ago

    Aroma: 4 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 4 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 4

    This English Strong Ale pours a medium orange color from a 50cl bottle. Medium sized white foamy head. Aroma is caramel and sweet with a touch of hops. A medium bodied English Strong Ale. The malts are caramel, fruity and sweet. The hops are slightly earthy and floral. A weird tasting beer, there is a lot of orange peel and spices, but there are also a bunch of stuff that tastes like vegetables, grain and something that might be better left unidentified. What’s even more distressing is the bad flavors intensify as it warms. Again one can’t help but wonder if Hepworth spent as time in designing the beer as the label design and marketing the name, if they would have a better product. I still buy them -once- and am usually disappointed, but I still buy them. Yet again another ho hum, bah humbug beer. Ah well one more to go. The beer is a little watery and a touch thin as well as that weird taste. Mouthfeel is thin. Finish is crisp and clean. Aftertaste is slightly sweet and a touch vegetative.

  • OH6GDX 8392 reviews
    rated 2.5 16 years ago

    Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 4 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

    Bottled. Golden colour, mediumsized white head. aroma is stomach acids, cooked vegetables and harsh grass. Flavour is vegetables, grass and egg. My god. I might have to try to re-rate this to see if I got a bad bottle. Alcohol hidden quite well until it gets warmer.

  • STOUTLOVER72 2327 reviews
    rated 3.4 17 years ago

    Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

    NorCal tasting Jan 07 - Aroma was really sweet. I could see how this might turn some people off who don't like sweet beers, but since I do I didn't think it was bad. It also had some sort of weird hop character to it, like moldy hops or something. Couldn't quite place it. Flavors were rasiins, dark malts, some toffee with hot alcohol finish.

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