Beer Reviews by CYRENAICA

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# Beer Origin Style Score Date
951 Great Divide Strawberry Rhubarb United States Wild Ale 3.4

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

650ml bottle <br> 6.2% ABV <br> Bottled On: April 11, 2019<br> LCBO Outlet #457 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Yonge / Eglinton)<br> October 2, 2019<br> $11.95<br> The beer pours a slightly hazed golden colour with a generous foamy white head which doesn’t last long. The rhubarb is overpowering in the armoa leaving only hints of grass, herbal hops, and weak yeast in the background. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour tastes like a nice balance between a blonde lager and a strawberry rhubarb pie, and I love strawberry rhubarb pie. There are hints of grass, and a bitter hoppy finish, but this is pie in a beer glass.

Oct 2, 2019
10:42:02 AM
952 Mill Street Chocolate Blossom Canada Chocolate Stout 3.4

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

473ml can<br> 6.8% ABV<br> Canned On: September 11, 2019<br> LCBO Outlet # 007 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Eglinton / Mt. Pleasant)<br> October 2, 2019<br> $3.95<br> The beer pours a solid black colour with a huge foamy dark brown head which quickly recedes to a creamy ring. The aroma is dark chocolate, coffee, cherries, vanilla, and roasted malt. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour brings a new element to this beer as there are elements of charred wood in the flavour that you don’t get in the aroma. Chocolate abounds with hints of cherry and coffee. Doesn’t hold a candle to the old Black Oak Double Chocolate Cherry Stout of yesteryear however.

Oct 2, 2019
09:43:02 AM
953 Big Rig Tales From The Patch Spiced Pumpkin Porter Canada Porter 3.5

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

473ml can <br> 5.8% ABV <br> Canned On: August 29, 2019<br> LCBO Outlet #010 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Summerhill)<br> October 2, 2019 <br> $3.20 <br> The beer pours a coca-cola black colour with a creamy light brown cap on top. The cap thins out over time, but leaves a little lacing. The aroma is pumpkin and spice forward with a hint of roasted malt, coffee, and earthy hops. The mouthfeel is medium to full bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is a competition between the spices and the coffee for dominance, although I feel the coffee wins out in this one. The pumpkin flavour is present but not overpowering. The finish is both bitter and tangy. A good pumpkin beer.

Oct 2, 2019
09:10:02 AM
954 Left Field Brewery Squeeze Play Sour (Black Currant) Canada Wild Ale 2.9

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 4

335ml can <br> 4.8% ABV <br> Canned On: July 3, 2019<br? LCBO Outlet #457 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Yonge / Eglinton)<br> October 1, 2019<br> $3.95<br> The beer pours a translucent ruby red with a thin pink film for a cap. The aroma is tart fruit including cherries, apples, and raspberries with hints of grass, and herbal hops. The mouthfeel is thin to medium bodied with average carbonation. I’m not sure what beer the other reviewers had, but the contents of my can are very tart, so tart it actually tastes like vinegar with weak notes of black currant. I’m not impressed.

Oct 1, 2019
11:26:01 PM
955 Duchesse De Bourgogne Belgium Flanders Red 4.2

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 8

330ml bottle<br> 6.20% ABV <br> Best Before: April 04, 2021<br> LCBO Outlet #457 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Yonge / Eglinton)<br> September 28, 2019<br> $3.50<br> The beer pours a translucent dark copper colour with a half inch light brown creamy head. Lacing is minimal. The aroma is yeast, tart cherries, and grass. The mouthfeel is medium to full bodied with above average carbonation. The flavour is nicely balanced between the sweet and tart cherry flavours and there is a lingering bitterness that comes with Belgian red and brown sours. A great beer….what took me so long!

Sep 29, 2019
12:48:29 PM
956 Samuel Adams New England IPA United States IPA 3.2

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

473ml can<br> 6.8% ABV<br> Canned On: September 5, 2019<br> LCBO Outlet #010 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Summerhill)<br> September 28, 2019<br> $3.05 <br> The beer pours a very murky pale gold colour with a generous foamy off-white cap which doesn’t last too long. The aroma is tropical fruit, grains, pine, and herbal hops. The mouthfeel is medium to full bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is tropical fruit, weak opine and spices, grass, and a very weak hoppy finish. Not a fan!

Sep 28, 2019
10:45:28 AM
957 Fenelon Falls Brewing Vienna Lager Canada Vienna / Amber Lager 2.9

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 6

473ml can <br> 5.0% ABV <br> Canned ON: August 27, 2019<br> LCBO Outlet #010 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Summerhill)<br> September 28, 2019<br> $3.50 <br> The beer pours a transparent medium gold colour, with orange hues, and a foamy white cap which doesn’t last very long. The aroma is grainy malt, earthy hops, and weak yeast notes. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. While the beer does not look like a Vienna, the flavour reminds you that it is. There is a definite hint of caramel sweetness, with a mildly bitter hop finish. Unfortunately, there is a tartness that also accompanies the sweetness but lingers longer.

Sep 28, 2019
10:12:28 AM
958 Chimay Blonde Dorée (Gold / Spéciale du Potaupré) Belgium Belgian Ale 4.0

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 8

Labeled as Chimay Gold <br> 330ml bottle<br> 4.8% ABV<br> Best Before: March 31, 2021<br> LCBO #10 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Summerhill)<br> September 28, 2019 $3.45 <br> The beer pours a very murky gold colour with a long lasting head that laces well. The cap is an off-white colour. The aroma is yeast, citrus, grains, candy sugar, and spices. The mouthfeel is medium to full bodied with average carbonation. The spiciness comes through in the flavour, along with a definite hoppiness, rounded out by the grains and some honey sweetness. Similar to last weekend’s St. Bernardus Extra 4, but better.

Sep 28, 2019
09:26:28 AM
959 Creemore Springs Boundless IPA / Creemore Springs Session IPA Canada IPA 3.6

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

20oz draught <br> 5.1% ABV<br> Mick E. Fynn’s (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)<br> September 27, 2019<br> $7.74<br> The beer pours a hazy gold colour with a creamy white head which laces well. The aromas are tropical fruit, pine, grapefruit, weak spices, and grass. The mouthfeel was medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is grapefruit, grains, and a hint of some tropical sweetness like pineapple. All in all a solid ale from a traditional lager brewer.

Sep 28, 2019
09:16:28 AM
960 Cameron's Jurassic IPA Canada IPA 3.3

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

473ml can <br> 6.8% ABV <br> LCBO Outlet #457 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Yonge / Eglinton)<br> September 23, 2019<br> $3.25<br> The beer pours a dark golden colour with red hues, slight haze, and a frothy white cap which lasts a few minutes. The aroma is citrus, grass, some weak tropical hints, caramel, and yeast. The mouthfeel is medium to full bodied, slightly creamy, with average carbonation. The flavour is light caramel, toasted malt, weak citrus, and yeast. The finish is mildly bitter but not overpowering.

Sep 28, 2019
08:52:28 AM
961 Napanee Mayday Belgian Pale Ale Canada Belgian Ale 3.6

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

473ml can <br> 5.7% ABV <br> Canned On: July 10, 2019<br> LCBO Outlet #483 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Royal Bank Plaza)<br> September 23, 2019<br> $3.40<br> The beer pours a hazed caramel gold colour with a short lived generous off-white cap. The aroma is yeast, sour grains, slight citrus notes, and weak spices. The mouthfeel is medium to full bodied, slightly creamy, with average carbonation. The flavour is grainy malt, some peppery spiciness, and a mild bitter finish. Has the yeasty factor that the Shillow didn’t have.

Sep 28, 2019
08:47:28 AM
962 Shillow Beer Snob Belgian Rye Ale Canada Rye Beer 3.3

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

473ml can <br> 6.0% ABV <br> Canned On: July 2, 2019<br> LCBO Outlet #457 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Yonge / Eglinton)<br> September 23, 2019<br> $3.20<br> The beer pours a hazy caramel brown colour with a huge light coloured tan head which doesn’t last very long, but what does last laces well. The aroma is caramel, rye, herbal hops, The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour has a spicy tang to it, I can taste the rye, the caramel, and a weak citrus hint from the hops. Maybe it’s just me, but with a name like ‘Belgian’ Rye Ale, I expected more yeast character and I didn’t get any.

Sep 28, 2019
08:43:28 AM
963 Collective Arts Collective Project: IPA No. 010 Canada IPA 3.4

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

473ml can <br> 3.2% ABV <br> Canned On: July 5, 2019<br> LCBO Outlet #483 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Royal Bank Plaza)<br> September 22, 2019<br> $4.25<br> The beer pours a hazy pale yellow colour with a very short lived white head. The aromas are tropical fruit, old grains, The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is very similar to the aroma with tropical fruits galore, and grassy malts. There isn’t a whole lot of bitterness in the finish. Goes down easy!

Sep 28, 2019
08:40:28 AM
964 St. Bernardus Extra 4 Belgium Belgian Ale 3.6

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 7

330ml bottle <br> 4.8% ABV <br> Best Before: April 20, 2010<br> LCBO Outlet #457 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Yonge / Eglinton)<br> September 21, 2019<br> $3.55<br> The beer pours a hazy straw gold colour with a generous white bubbly head which lasts forever! The aroma is yeast, grass, citrus, and spices. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is yeast, grains, with some funk in the finish. A solid Belgian patersbier!

Sep 22, 2019
12:41:22 PM
965 Lake Of Bays Beach Break Canada Pale Lager 2.5

Aroma: 5 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

473ml can <br> 3.5% ABV <br> Canned On: August 2, 2019<br> LCBO Outlet #457 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Yonge / Eglinton)<br> September 20, 2019<br> $2.95<br> The beer pours a very translucent pale gold colour with a 1" bubbly head which disappears within seconds. The aroma is grains, herbal hops, bready yeast, and a hint of citrus. The mouthfeel is thin bodied, with average carbonation. The flavour is similar to that of a light beer. You taste the grains, the bitter hop finish, and there is a hint of lime that lingers.

Sep 21, 2019
12:31:21 PM
966 Hofbrau Munchen Original / Hofbräu München Original Germany Helles / Dortmunder 3.7

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

1 litre draught <br> 5.1% ABV <br> Bar Hop Brewco (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)<br> September 20, 2019<br> $22.00 (includes the price of the 1 litre Hofbrauhaus stein)<br> The beer pours a translucent orange-hued gold with a frothy white head that lasts over an hour. The aroma is grainy malt, light yeast, a definite noble hop nose, and a hint of honey. The mouthfeel was medium-bodied, average carbonation, and matches the textbook definition for 'crisp'. The flavour is certainly malt forward, heavy on the grains, slightly sweet, and with a mild bitter finish. An easy drinking Helles to open the Oktoberfest season.

Sep 20, 2019
09:38:20 PM
967 Side Launch Northbound Canada Pale Lager 2.8

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

473ml can <br> 4.4% ABV <br> Canned On: June 12, 2019<br> LCBO Outlet #457 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Yonge / Eglinton)<br> September 14, 2019<br> $3.15<br> The beer pours a translucent golden colour with a thin bubbly white head which doesn’t last very long. The aroma is grains, spicy hops, and weak yeast notes. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is cereal malt, some weak hoppish notes, and a mildly bitter finish. I was hoping for better from Side Launch.

Sep 14, 2019
11:58:14 PM
968 Common Good Caught In An Eddy Canada IPA 3.4

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

473ml can <br> 3.9% ABV <br> The Beerbistro (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 13, 2019<br> $6.50<br> The beer pours a murky flourescent pale yellow with a thin white head which lasts and laces well. The aroma was grass, tropical fruit, herbal hops, and weak yeast notes. The mouthfeel was medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour was tropical fruit, some grass, grapefruit peel, and a spicy bitter hoppy finish.

Sep 13, 2019
11:36:13 PM
969 Straffe Hendrik Brugs Tripelbier 9 Belgium Abbey Tripel 4.2

Aroma: 8 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 8

330ml bottle <br> 9.0% ABV <br> Best Before: May 22, 2020<br> The Beerbistro (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)<br> September 13, 2019 <br> $11.73<br> The beer poured a slightly hazy dark golden brown with a half inch frothy white head which lasts throughout. The aroma is yeast, bready malt, honey, citrus, and light spice. The mouthfeel is medium to full bodied with well above average carbonation. The flavour is sweet honey, tart citrus, funky grains, and yeast. A very nice tripel.

Sep 13, 2019
11:29:13 PM
970 Shillow Sass On The Side Canada Brown Ale 3.9

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 8

300ml draught <br> 5.6% ABV <br> The Beerbistro (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)<br> September 13, 2019<br> $5.31<br> The beer poured a murky solid dark brown colour with a thin creamy light brown film for a head. The aroma is chocolate, roasted malt, nuts, coffee, and earthy hops. The mouthfeel was medium to full bodied, ceramy, with average carbonation. The flavour was chocolate, and coffee with a bitter hoppy finish.

Sep 13, 2019
11:05:13 PM
971 Shillow Bandwagon Raspberry Pale Ale Canada American Pale Ale 3.3

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7

473ml draught<br> 5.5% ABV <br> The Beerbistro (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) <br> September 13, 2019<br> $9.96<br> The beer poured a translucent brown-tinged red with a thin light tan coloured ring for a head. The aroma was raspberries, grains, yeast, and a little funk. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is sweet and tart raspberries, some funky grains, and a mildly bitter finish.

Sep 13, 2019
11:01:13 PM
972 Spearhead Brewing Chardonnay Summer Ale Canada Saison 2.8

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5

473ml can <br> 4.30% ABV <br> Canned On: February 15, 2019<br> LCBO Outlet #457 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Yonge / Eglinton)<br> September 8, 2019<br> $3.10<br> The beer pours a translucent metallic gold colour with a half inch bubbly white film for a head that quickly becomes a white ring. The aroma is funky yeast, grains, and then some fruity notes, but can’t tell if they’re grapes or not. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is dominated by the funk in the yeast and grains. Not a lot of flavour from the hops (spices/bitterness) in this one.

Sep 8, 2019
12:48:08 PM
973 Innis & Gunn Don's Choice United Kingdom American Black Ale 3.0

Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 5 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 6

330ml bottle <br> 6.2% ABV <br> Best Before: October 31, 2019<br> LCBO Outlet #010 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Summerhill)<br> September 8, 2019<br> $3.85<br> The beer pours a translucent dark mahogany colour with a generous tan coloured head that lasts several minutes and creates a lot of lacing. The aroma is chocolate, roasted malt, coffee, and dish soap. I don’t detect any citrus, coconut, or rhubarb. So, not a typical Black IPA. Mouthfeel is thin to medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is more akin to a thin porter/stout as I’m not getting a whole ot of the rhubarb or coconut in this. This isn’t a black IPA to my mind, and not even a fruited stout/porter. Not something I would want to drink regularly.

Sep 8, 2019
10:02:08 AM
974 Innis & Gunn 15 (2003 - 20018 Barrel Aged Double IPA) United Kingdom Imperial IPA 2.8

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 6 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 4 | Overall: 5

330ml bottle <br> 7.4% ABV <br> Best Before: November 30, 2019<br> LCBO Outlet #010 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Summerhill)<br> August 28, 2019<br> $3.85<br> The beer pours a translucent dark gold colour, with red hues, and a thin white creamy head that last a while. The predominant aroma is burnt wood and alcohol. I really can’t detect anything else. The mouthfeel is medium bodied with average carbonation. The flavour is similar to the aroma. I am getting more of a carbonated whiskey flavour than a barrel aged beer flavour. There’s a lot of discussion as to whether this was a DIPA or not. I’ll add ‘is this even beer’ to the discussion. A big disappointment for me from I&G.

Aug 28, 2019
10:23:28 AM
975 Steam Whistle Premium Pale Ale Canada American Pale Ale 3.3

Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 7

473ml can <br> 5.0% Abv <br> Canned On: August 6, 2019<br> LCBO Outlet #010 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada – Summerhill)<br> August 28, 2019<br> $3.25<br> The beer pours a translucent reddish-gold colour with a generous white bubbly head which lasts a few minutes and provides decent lacing. Aroma is west coast hops (pine and citrus notes), grass, weak yeast, and some spices. The mouthfeel is light to medium bodied, with average carbonation. They were going for crisp, they got crisp. The flavour is very pine forward, with notes of grapefruit not far behind. The finish is bitter. Maybe a bit too hoppy for a pale ale.

Aug 28, 2019
10:00:28 AM