Profile of bosoxbrent
Profile of bosoxbrent
PalsFrom Elkridge, MD, United States
Last seen drinking Nothing!
Hometown: Westminster, MA, home of Wachusett Brewing Co.
Locations Lived: Lyndonville, VT, home of Trout River Brewing Co.
Hobbies: Drinking and brewing beer, cooking, watching the Boston Red Sox, New England Patriots, and Boston College Eagles, travelling, weather, spending time with my family, rockin out to good music, photography, and most importantly spending time with my lovely wife.
Favorite Watering Holes:
- Humpys Great Alaskan Alehouse in Anchorage, AK
- Mooses Tooth Pub and Pizzeria in Anchorage, AK
- Max's on Broadway in Baltimore, MD
- Boston Beer Works in Boston, MA
- Duclaw Brewing Company in Bowie, MD
- Silver Gulch Brewing Company in Fox, AK
- Flying Saucer in Fort Worth, TX
- Gardner Ale House in Gardner, MA
- Tap Werks Ale House in Oklahoma City, OK
- Nodding Head Brewery in Philadelphia, PA
- Monk's Belgian Cafe in Philadelphia, PA
- The Old Toad in Rochester, NY
- The Brickskeller in Washington, DC
- Hamilton's in Washington, DC
- RFD in Washington, DC
- Royal Rooters IPA (Wedding Edition) - June 2007
- Graduberry Wit (Raspberry Wit) - May 2008
- Next Up - Jasmine IPA, Rhubarb Lambic, or Flemish Ale
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Recent Drinks
Beer Reviews
Aroma: 10 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 10 | Flavor: 9 | Overall: 10
The t Smisje Calva Reserva was one of the beers I had at Max's 72-hours of Belgian Beers Fest. In fact it was my favorite beer that I had that day and probably the best beer I've had in ages. When I asked for this, I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I'm sure glad I reached for this.
When the beer was served, I examined it and found it has a very warm looking, reddish-brown color to it with a light cloudy haziness. The head was small and white with a slight fizziness to it. The lacing on the other hand was out of this world! Absolutely the best lacing I've ever seen on a beer with a full coat on the walls of my glass. I was shocked considering how small the head was when I was served the beer. The aroma was wonderful and warm. A huge bouquet of toasted malts with a hint of brown sugar and maples syrup filled my nose and I was in love!
When I drank this beer, I was bowled over with the warmth and flavor packed into this amazing beer. This one is 12% and can be very dangerous due to the smooth drinking, excellent flavor, and smooth carbonation. The flavor from front to back is absolutely sweet and that taste stays in your mouth well after consuming it. It's a wonderful mixture of caramel, toffee, brown sugar, maple syrup....all the wonderful winter flavors are in there.
I am absolutely floored by the other reviews of this beer. It's almost like everyone got a different beer than the one that I was served. Although I'm positive this is the right beer. Who knows, maybe this thing is a turd in the bottle. All I know is that this is in the top 5 of all beers I've ever had in my life.Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7
The Cantillon Iris was one of the beers I had at Max's 72-hours of Belgian Beers Fest. I was interested in having an unblended lambic since that isn't a beer style that I've had before.
This one was definitely unique and was a niche beer. It's not one of those brews where people are going to be fighting over who get's the last bottle. The beer poured out an orangy color and was very flat and clear (unlike the reviews from those who got it from the bottle). There as absolutely nothing in the way of a head on the beer. The aroma was very tart, almost white wine like, with a definite horseblanketness to it.
The flavor is definitely unique and something that regular lambic fans probably wouldn't like too much. There is nothing sweet or easy drinking about this one. Super tart is what comes to mind (which I don't necessarily mind). It's almost like a fresh squeezed lemonade, without some of the sweetness that you'd normally find. You can definitely taste the yeasts as well. The texture is fairly dry on the tongue, yet somewhat enjoyable. It has a medium body with absolutely no carbonation at all.
Overall, this is probably not something I'm going to go reaching for in the future. It's not that it's bad, its just not my "cup of tea" or beer for that matter. I would probably entertain the idea of splitting a bottle with a friend, should he or she be interested in trying this out.Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 5 | Mouthfeel: 7 | Flavor: 5 | Overall: 5
The Alvinne Melchior was one of the beers I had at Max's 72-hours of Belgian Beers Fest. I tried this one cause it was billed as a "11% Mustard Ale". Mustard in beer you ask? Yeah I was curious too.
So the beer was handed to me and was amber in color with a very small white head on top of it. The body was clear and you could see some sparkling bubbles in there. Within seconds the head was fully diminished.
The aroma was very disappointing. When you think of something that is labeled a "mustard ale" your mind sets you up for something that would have a spicy nose on it. This nose did in fact have a light spice smell to it, but was very week and underwhelming. Being an 11% beer, I figured I would have picked up on some alcoholic notes, but I didn't even get much of that.
The beer drinks OK. I was starting to think all the buzz was about nothing. There were some feint dark fruit notes in there with some light spices. It was only in the aftertaste that I could even pick up on the slightest hints of mustard seed. Again, considering this was an 11% beer, it was pretty bland.
Personally, I was not a big fan of this at all. In fact, I don't even think I'd try this one again. Sure there wasn't much in the way of flaws. The beer was crafted OK, it was just really boring and bland. Huge disappointing here!Aroma: 6 | Appearance: 9 | Mouthfeel: 9 | Flavor: 8 | Overall: 9
The Barbar Winter Bok (aka Barbar De Noel) was one of the beers I had at Max's 72-hours of Belgian Beers Fest. In fact, it was my last beer that I enjoyed the festival.
When the beer was handed to me it was a very dark brown in color with virtually no head at all. In fact it almost looked flat. I wasn't sure how to take this, but there was a very well balanced malt and doughy yeast smell emitting from the glass. In fact, upon further inspection I picked up on this wonderful plum and/or maybe even dark berry aroma that got stronger as the beer was allowed to breathe.
The taste flat out awesome. So much so, I'd go as far as saying there was a party in my mouth with this one. We are talking about a wonderful wintery sweet base of honey, toffee, and slight earthy yeastiness, with a really nice raisin and plum flavor on top. This is a total winter warmer that you want to drink while sitting fireside after a long day of skiing.
Well what can I say other than this was a very well crafted brew that I really enjoyed. In fact it was my second favorite beer that I sampled at the brewfest. I would love to score some of this in a bottle.Aroma: 9 | Appearance: 7 | Mouthfeel: 8 | Flavor: 7 | Overall: 7
While in Oklahoma on my most recent trip, I ran across a couple of liquor stores that had a nice selection of Boulevard's Smokestack Series brews. One of the beers I picked up was the Sixth Glass Quadruple that I shared with some friends in my hotel room. A great discussion of beer ensued.
I poured the beer into my glass and the first thing I noticed was a large, long lasting, frothy head that was light brown or almost tan in color. When drinking this down, it left behind a fair amount of lacing, nothing great though. The beer's color was brown, with a slight oranginess to it. The beer started off being cloudy, but as it settled, it really cleared out. This was strange because I didn't see much in the way of yeast at the bottom of the bottle.
The aroma was interesting, in the sense that there seemed to be a lot going on, but the aroma wasn't in your face. Mixed in there somewhere was a light bread or almost cookie dough maltiness. There was also a doughy yeast aroma on top of raisin. Almost like a raisin bread. Finally there was a somewhat sour smell, with a hint of a metal. I'm not sure where the metallic smell came from, but it was something that all those sampling the beer pointed out.
When the beer hits your tongue, you get a nice light sweet flavor, which has a hint of spice. The back end actually has an interesting moderate level of bitterness that I really didn't expect. The flavors stick around for a while in your mouth. The beer had a medium body to with a somewhat dry texture. On top of which is a moderate amount of alcohol.
The bottom line is that this is a decent beer, but not great when I think of some of the Belgian Quads out there. It was a good attempt from the folks at Boulevard, but it just wasn't great.