Ursa Minor Brewing (USA)

Ursa Minor Brewing (USA)

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2415 West Superior Street, Suite B
Duluth, MN, 55806
United States

218 481-7886

Year Established: unknown


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ID: 20110 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 1 month ago

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Highest Rated: No Ratings
Most Reviewed: No Reviews


Beer | Style | ABV Score
Ursa Minor Al Pal's Breakfast
Oatmeal Stout| 6 %
Ursa Minor Badass Warrior Goddess
IPA| 5.8 %
Ursa Minor Bear Claw
Brown Ale| 5.6 %
Ursa Minor Bear-ista Coffee Milk Stout
Coffee Stout| 4.5 %
Ursa Minor Ben's Breakfast Oatmeal Stout
Stout| 4.3 %
Ursa Minor Big Bad John Double IPA
Imperial IPA| 11.3 %
Ursa Minor Blackberry Shenanigans
Fruit Beer| 8.7 %
Ursa Minor Dad Jam
Cream Ale| 5.4 %
Ursa Minor Dapper Dan Belgian Stout
Stout| 8.3 %
Ursa Minor Drunk Gandalf
Abbey Tripel| 10.7 %
Ursa Minor ELLA
IPA| 6.4 %
Ursa Minor Galactic Face Slap
Imperial IPA| 8.5 %
Ursa Minor Hazy Bastard
IPA| 7.1 %
Ursa Minor HowWheatItIs
American Wheat| 5.8 %
Ursa Minor Mom At Noon Witbier
Witbier| 4 %
Ursa Minor NA Time NA Where
Reduced Alcohol| -
Ursa Minor Ope IPA
IPA| 7.3 %
Ursa Minor Peaches and Dreams
Fruit Beer| 8.7 %
Ursa Minor Pineapple Express IPA
IPA| 7 %
Ursa Minor Platform Nine And Three Porters
Porter| 6.1 %
Ursa Minor Rainy Day IPA
IPA| 6.5 %
Ursa Minor Sour Bare Bear
Berliner Weisse| 4.1 %
Ursa Minor Star Gazer
American Pale Ale| 5.7 %
Ursa Minor Stubborn Duluth
American Pale Ale| 6.4 %
Ursa Minor Sturgeon's Breath IPA
IPA| 6.8 %
Ursa Minor Sunny Day
Blonde Ale| 4.5 %
Ursa Minor Thistle Dew
Scottish Ale| 5.5 %
Ursa Minor Two Bearded Blondes
Blonde Ale| 5 %
Ursa Minor You Had Me At IPA
IPA| 7.2 %

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