Microbirrificio Opperbacco di Recchiuti e Calisti snc

Microbirrificio Opperbacco di Recchiuti e Calisti snc

via Ponte cavalcavia, 38
Notaresco, 64024


Year Established: 2009


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ID: 9112 Last updated 2 weeks ago Added to database 15 years ago

Quick Stats






Most Drunk: None
Highest Rated: Opperbacco 10 e Lode Sour [3.300]
Most Reviewed: Opperbacco 10 e Lode Sour [2]


Beer | Style | ABV Score
Opperbacco / Birra del Borgo 6sonIPA
Saison| 7.1 %
Opperbacco / Dada / Foglie d'Erba Overdose
Imperial IPA| 9.2 %
Opperbacco / Paesani Liquori Birra Gran Sasso
Ale| 5.5 %
Opperbacco 10 e lode
Belgian Strong Ale| 10 %
Opperbacco 10 e Lode Barrique
American Barleywine| 10 %
Opperbacco 10 e lode Extra Vecchio
Belgian Strong Ale| 10 %
Opperbacco 10 e lode Extra Vecchio Neromoro di Nicodemi
American Barleywine| 9 %
Opperbacco 10 e Lode Sour
Wild Ale| 9 %
3.300 (2)
Opperbacco 4punto7
Blonde Ale| 4.7 %
Opperbacco 4punto7 H.C.E.
Blonde Ale| 4.7 %
Opperbacco 60 Minutes
IPA| 7.5 %
Opperbacco Abruxensis Ciliegie
Wild Ale| 6.5 %
Opperbacco Abruxensis Genziana
Wild Ale| 5.5 %
Opperbacco Abruxensis Sambuco
Wild Ale| 5.5 %
Opperbacco Bianca Piperita
Witbier| 4.2 %
Opperbacco Blanche de Lotario
Witbier| 4.2 %
Opperbacco Bohemian Pils
Bohemian / Czech Pilsener| 5 %
Opperbacco Deep Underground
Porter| 7.1 %
Opperbacco Don’t Worry
IPA| 4.7 %
Opperbacco Eclissi
Wild Ale| 7 %
Opperbacco Eipiei
American Pale Ale| 6.1 %
Opperbacco Ficata
Fruit Beer| 7.1 %
Opperbacco Hopnotic
Pale Lager| 5.3 %
Opperbacco Imperial Deep Underground
Imperial Stout| 9.5 %
Opperbacco L'Una
Ale| 6.4 %
Opperbacco L'Una Rossa (2009-2021)
Belgian Ale| -
Opperbacco L'Una Rossa (2022-)
Belgian Ale| 7 %
Opperbacco Lane's Pale Ale
American Pale Ale| 5.2 %
Opperbacco Mo' Better Beer
Ale| 6 %
Opperbacco N° 1 (Numero Uno)
American Barleywine| 11 %
3.175 (1)
OpperBacco Nature - Terra Cuvèe Blend 2022 Recchiuti, Terraviva e Ausonia
Fruit Beer| 7.4 %
Opperbacco Nature Amarene
Fruit Beer| 7.5 %
Opperbacco Nature Cric
Wild Ale| 6.5 %
Opperbacco Nature Green
Wild Ale| 6.1 %
Opperbacco Nature Lime
Wild Ale| 5.1 %
Opperbacco Nature Principesca
Wild Ale| 6 %
Opperbacco Nature Sambuco
Fruit Beer| 6 %
Opperbacco Nature Terra Emidio Pepe
Wild Ale| 7 %
Opperbacco Nature Terra Lammidia
Wild Ale| 6.7 %
Opperbacco Nature Viva
Fruit Beer| 7.1 %
Opperbacco Nature Viva 2020
Fruit Beer| 10 %
Opperbacco Nature Viva Torsolini
Wild Ale| 7.3 %
Opperbacco NZ Hazy IPA
IPA| 6.8 %
Opperbacco Quis Ut Deus
Belgian Strong Ale| 8.4 %
Opperbacco Re di Denari
Belgian Strong Ale| 8.2 %
Opperbacco This Is My Pils
Bohemian / Czech Pilsener| 5.2 %
Opperbacco TriplIPA
Strong Ale| 7.8 %
3.250 (1)
Opperbacco TriplIpa Barrique
Abbey Tripel| 7.8 %
Opperbacco TriplIPA Special Edition
IPA| 7.8 %
Opperbacco TripliSaaz
Belgian Strong Ale| 7.8 %
Opperbacco Tripping Flowers
Saison| 6.1 %
Opperbacco Violent Shared
IPA| 4.1 %

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