Canoe Brewpub, Marina & Restaurant
Canoe Brewpub, Marina & Restaurant
450 Swift Street
Victoria, British Columbia, V8W 1S3
Year Established: unknown
Links: Sign Up to Participate:CANOE handcrafted beers are brewed in small batches to the Bavarian Purity Law of 1516 using only the finest malted barley, hops, yeast and water. They are naturally carbonated, unfiltered and created without the use of additives or preservatives. Our beers have become legendary in Victoria and throughout the Pacific Northwest for their crisp, clean & pure flavours. We encourage you to try a fleet to experience the full range of our crafted offerings.
ID: 3297 Last updated 3 days ago Added to database 19 years agoQuick Stats
LikesHighest Rated: Canoe Red Canoe Lager [3.025]
Most Reviewed: Canoe Beaver Brown Ale [1]
Beer | Style | ABV | Score | |
Canoe 15th Anniversary IPA IPA| 4.8 % | - | |
Canoe Amarillo India Dark Ale American Black Ale| 6.5 % | - | |
Canoe Amber Artifact Lager Vienna / Amber Lager| 5.5 % | - | |
Canoe Bavarian Copper Bock Bock| 6.5 % | - | |
Canoe Beaver Brown Ale Brown Ale| 5.4 % | 2.975 (1) | |
Canoe Belgian Citra IPA Belgian Ale| 6.5 % | - | |
Canoe Belgian Dubbel Abbey Dubbel| 5.6 % | - | |
Canoe Galaxy ESB Extra Special Bitter| 5 % | - | |
Canoe Habit Espresso Stout Coffee Stout| 5.5 % | - | |
Canoe Hefeweizen Hefeweizen| - | - | |
Canoe Let 'er Run Espresso Stout Coffee Stout| 5.5 % | - | |
Canoe Maple Wheat American Wheat| - | - | |
Canoe Märzen Marzen / Oktoberfest| - | - | |
Canoe Oatmeal Stout Oatmeal Stout| - | - | |
Canoe Red Canoe Lager Bohemian / Czech Pilsener| 5.2 % | 3.025 (1) | |
Canoe River Rock Bitter Extra Special Bitter| 5.2 % | 2.950 (1) | |
Canoe Shane's Irish Red Ale Irish Ale| 5.4 % | - | |
Canoe Sirens Song Pale Ale English Pale Ale| 5 % | 2.750 (1) | |
Canoe Southern Cross South Pacific IPA IPA| 5.5 % | - | |
Canoe Summer Honey Wheat Ale American Wheat| 5 % | 2.875 (1) | |
Canoe Summer Honey Wheat Ale (Blackberry Infused) American Wheat| 4.7 % | - | |
Canoe Winter Gale Strong Ale English Strong Ale| 8 % | - |
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