
Cambridge Moonshine

Cambridge Moonshine

c/o 28 Radegund Road
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB1 3RS
United Kingdom

(79) 06066794

Year Established: 2004


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ID: 9110 Last updated 2 weeks ago Added to database 15 years ago

Quick Stats






Most Drunk: None
Highest Rated: Cambridge Moonshine Transforming Tomorrow [3.175]
Most Reviewed: Cambridge Moonshine Transforming Tomorrow [1]


Beer | Style | ABV Score
Cambridge Moonshine Transforming Tomorrow
Imperial Stout| 9.7 %
3.175 (1)
Moonshine / Westend Brygcentral Blackberry Saison
Saison| 7.4 %
Moonshine 13 Moons of 2015 #1 - American Pale Ale
American Pale Ale| 5.6 %
Moonshine 13 Moons of 2015 #10 - Imperial Pale Ale
IPA| 7.5 %
Moonshine 13 Moons of 2015 #11 - Cascadian Black
American Black Ale| 6.7 %
Moonshine 13 Moons of 2015 #12 - Cascadian Light
English Strong Ale| 8.4 %
Moonshine 13 Moons of 2015 #2 - Passion Fruit Pale Ale
Ale| 4.3 %
Moonshine 13 Moons of 2015 #3 - 1857 Pale Ale
English Strong Ale| 6 %
Moonshine 13 Moons of 2015 #4 - Premium Best Bitter
Extra Special Bitter| 5 %
Moonshine 13 Moons of 2015 #5 - Hill Farm Best Bitter
Bitter| 4.5 %
Moonshine 13 Moons of 2015 #7 - Raspberry Wheat
American Wheat| 4.5 %
Moonshine 13 Moons of 2015 #9 - 18 Carrot Gold
Ale| 5.6 %
Moonshine 800 Years of Discovery
English Strong Ale| 9 %
Moonshine 800 Years Of Engagement
Bitter| 4.4 %
Moonshine Achievement
American Wheat| 4.1 %
Moonshine Amarillo
American Pale Ale| 5.5 %
Moonshine Bacchus Moonshine
Extra Special Bitter| 4.8 %
Moonshine Barton Bitter
Bitter| 4 %
Moonshine Bertha's Brown Ale
Brown Ale| 4.7 %
Moonshine Best Bitter
Bitter| 4.2 %
Moonshine Black Hole
Stout| 5 %
Moonshine Budding Moon
Blonde Ale| 5 %
Moonshine Cambridge Best Bitter
Bitter| -
3.050 (1)
Moonshine Cambridge Best Bitter - Phoenix
Bitter| 4.1 %
Moonshine Caraway Pale Ale
Ale| 4 %
Moonshine CB1
Bitter| 4.2 %
Moonshine Cellarman’s Stout
Coffee Stout| 6 %
Moonshine Centennial
Bitter| 3.5 %
Moonshine Cherry Brown
Brown Ale| 4.6 %
Moonshine Chocolate & Orange Stout
Chocolate Stout| 6.7 %
Moonshine Ebenezer William Harlock
Porter| 5 %
Moonshine Effervescence & Spiritual Matter
Blonde Ale| 3.7 %
Moonshine Harvest Moon Mild
Mild Ale| 3.8 %
Moonshine Heavenly Matter
Blonde Ale| 4 %
Moonshine Hog Hopper
Bitter| 4.4 %
Moonshine Hot Numbers Coffee Stout
Chocolate Stout| 5.5 %
Moonshine Hunters Moon
Blonde Ale| 3.6 %
Moonshine Incomparable Beauty
English Strong Ale| 6.2 %
Moonshine IPA
IPA| 5.5 %
Moonshine Ison
IPA| 7.7 %
Moonshine Lemon Citra
Blonde Ale| 4.2 %
Moonshine Liberty
Extra Special Bitter| 5 %
Moonshine Light Blues Ale
Extra Special Bitter| 5.4 %
Moonshine Limitless Abundance
Imperial Stout| 9.6 %
Moonshine Limitless Abundance (Oak Aged)
Imperial Stout| 10 %
Moonshine Mild Pig
Mild Ale| 6.5 %
Moonshine Milk Chocolate Coffee Stout
Chocolate Stout| 4.5 %
Moonshine Minion of the Moon
Bitter| 4.6 %
Moonshine Molten Amber
Bitter| 4.1 %
Moonshine Moonraker
Extra Special Bitter| 5 %
Moonshine More Equal
Extra Special Bitter| 7.4 %
Moonshine Mulberry Whale
Bitter| 4 %
Moonshine NEIPA
IPA| 4.5 %
Moonshine Nightwatch Porter
Porter| 4.8 %
Moonshine Once in a Blue Moon
American Pale Ale| 4.5 %
Moonshine Pigs Ear Porter
Porter| 4.5 %
Moonshine Raspberry Porter
Porter| 4.5 %
Moonshine Rebeccas Pleasured Pig
English Strong Ale| 6.5 %
Moonshine Red Watch
Bitter| 4.5 %
Moonshine Reel Ale
Blonde Ale| 4.2 %
Moonshine Regenerator
Blonde Ale| 4.4 %
Moonshine Sabik Steam
California Common / Steam| 6 %
Moonshine Second Quarter
Porter| 4.3 %
Moonshine Shelford Crier
Bitter| 3.8 %
Moonshine Shuttle Butt
Extra Special Bitter| 5.2 %
Moonshine Sparkling Moon
Pale Lager| 3.7 %
Moonshine SPBW 50th Anniversary Ale
English Strong Ale| 7.2 %
Moonshine Spiritual Matter
Blonde Ale| 3.7 %
Moonshine Strawberry Fairy Queen
Fruit Beer| 3.6 %
Moonshine Subik
English Strong Ale| 6 %
Moonshine Sundowner
Bitter| 3.6 %
Moonshine Sunshiner
Bitter| 4.1 %
Moonshine Take It Or Leave It
Pale Lager| 6 %
Moonshine The Trouble Maker
Abbey Dubbel| 6.4 %
Moonshine Thunder Moon
Bitter| 3.9 %
Moonshine Transforming Tomorrow Oak Matured
Imperial Stout| 8.6 %
Moonshine Trumpington Tipple
Bitter| 3.6 %
Moonshine Unobtainable Perfection
Extra Special Bitter| 5.5 %
Moonshine Wet 'n' Dry Brut IPA
IPA| 5.4 %
Moonshine Wheat Wine Ale
American Barleywine| 10.2 %
Moonshine Wheel Ale
Extra Special Bitter| 5 %
Moonshine Wilbraham Wanderer
Extra Special Bitter| 4.7 %
Moonshine Winter Fair
Bitter| 3.9 %

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