
Alus Darbnica Labietis

Alus Darbnica Labietis

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Aristida Briana 9a-2, Riga, LV-1001

371 25655958

Year Established: unknown


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ID: 31423 Last updated 1 month ago Added to database 1 month ago

Quick Stats






Most Drunk: None
Highest Rated: Labietis Lentenu Kāvējs [3.320]
Most Reviewed: Labietis Kamīns [2]


Beer | Style | ABV Score
Labietis / Bakunin Purva Medus (Barrel Aged)
Mead| 6.5 %
Labietis / Bakunin Purva Medus (Bog Honey)
Mead| -
3.075 (1)
Labietis / Põhjala Gauja (River Gauja / Koiva Jõgi)
Mead| -
3.075 (1)
Labietis / Van Moll Avondrood Rīta Blāzma
Wild Ale| 5.5 %
Labietis /Ārpus Kaimiņu dubultais
IPA| 6.1 %
Labietis Akmeņrags
Ale| -
Labietis Aroniju Ragana
Fruit Beer| -
3.000 (2)
Labietis Asara
Gose| -
3.050 (1)
Labietis Ausma
Ale| -
Labietis Avenu Ragana
Fruit Beer| -
3.000 (1)
Labietis Baltais Zvirbulis
Witbier| -
Labietis Baltijas Pļava
Ale| 4.5 %
Labietis Barenītis
IPA| -
Labietis Barenītis
IPA| -
3.000 (1)
Labietis Bargā Kundze (Dominatrix)
Saison| 8.8 %
Labietis Dravnieka Atraitne
Mead| -
3.050 (1)
Labietis Dūmenis
Rauchbier| -
3.125 (1)
Labietis E002
IPA| 5.4 %
Labietis E004
IPA| 7.4 %
Labietis E008 Ceriņu Didzis
American Wheat| 4.5 %
Labietis E022
Mead| 7.9 %
Labietis E024
Mead| 12.2 %
Labietis E026
Gose| 4.5 %
Labietis Gaidina
Mead| -
Labietis Gaismas Ragana
Mead| -
3.175 (1)
Labietis Ganuzēns
American Wheat| -
Labietis Iezemiete
IPA| -
3.125 (1)
Labietis Ješka
Pale Lager| -
3.025 (1)
Labietis Kamīns
Ale| -
3.120 (2)
Labietis Kapracis
Rauchbier| -
Labietis Kapracis Barrel Aged
Smoked Ale| -
3.150 (1)
Labietis Kēninmeita
English Pale Ale| -
3.125 (1)
Labietis Kēninmeita
English Pale Ale| -
3.050 (1)
Labietis Ķiršu Humpaliņa
Saison| 6.3 %
Labietis Kiršu Ragana
Fruit Beer| -
3.025 (1)
Labietis Kirsu Ragana - Brett
Fruit Beer| -
Labietis Kurbads (Oatmeal brown ale)
Brown Ale| 4.6 %
Labietis Kurbads (Speciality grain)
Spiced Beer| -
Labietis Laukis
Kellerbier| -
Labietis Ledene
Berliner Weisse| 4.4 %
3.025 (1)
Labietis Ledene 7%
Gose| -
Labietis Lentenu Kāvējs
American Black Ale| -
3.320 (2)
Labietis Lielais Kristaps
Imperial Stout| -
2.975 (1)
Labietis Lielais Kristaps - Kafijas
Porter| -
Labietis Luijs XVI
Bock| 6.5 %
Labietis Mauglis
American Pale Ale| -
Labietis Melnis
Porter| 5 %
Labietis Mežs
Ale| -
3.100 (1)
Labietis Migla
Ale| 5.8 %
Labietis Muks
Belgian Strong Ale| -
Labietis Noburtais Kristaps
Fruit Beer| -
Labietis NR662 Porter
Imperial Porter| -
Labietis Pelašķu Velns
Imperial Stout| -
3.175 (1)
Labietis Pēteris Apinis
Imperial IPA| -
3.175 (1)
Labietis Piparmētras Mediņš
Mead| 2.7 %
3.025 (1)
Labietis Pipars
Spiced Beer| -
3.125 (1)
Labietis Pļava
Ale| -
3.100 (1)
Labietis Pļava
Ale| -
3.025 (1)
Labietis Plūškoka Mediņš
Mead| -
Labietis Pokaiņu mežs
American Barleywine| -
Labietis Pokainu Mežs BA
American Barleywine| -
Labietis Pūdele
Ale| -
3.125 (1)
Labietis Pūdele
Ale| -
Labietis Purvs
Saison| -
Labietis Radziņš
American Wheat| -
3.025 (1)
Labietis Rasele
Ale| -
Labietis Rasele
Ale| -
Labietis Rozā Vienradzis (Pink Unicorn)
American Pale Ale| -
3.075 (1)
Labietis Rūsiņš (-2022)
Ale| -
3.150 (1)
Labietis Rūsiņš (2023-)
Ale| 7.9 %
Labietis Saules Rasa
American Wheat| -
Labietis Skaidrais Mežs
Reduced Alcohol| -
Labietis Smaragda Dagda
Rauchbier| -
Labietis SOHO Švītiņš
Bitter| -
3.025 (1)
Labietis Spigana
Ale| -
Labietis Spigana
Ale| -
Labietis Tīrelis
Mead| -
Labietis Trīs indiāņi
American Pale Ale| -
3.100 (1)
Labietis Tumsas Ragana
Mead| -
Labietis Upeņu Ragana
Fruit Beer| -
Labietis Vagars
Ale| -
3.180 (2)
Labietis Vīgriežu Mediņš
Mead| -
Labietis Vīgriežu Mediņš
Mead| -
Labietis Virsaitis
IPA| -
3.050 (1)
Labietis VIVA (Aramis)
Bitter| -
Labietis VIVA (Cascade)
Bitter| -
Labietis VIVA (Columbus)
Bitter| -
Labietis VIVA (Galaxy)
Bitter| -
2.900 (1)
Labietis VIVA (Pacific Gem)
Bitter| -
Labietis VIVA (Saaz)
Bitter| -
Labietis VIVA (Sladek)
Bitter| -
Labietis VIVA (Wakatu)
Bitter| -
2.975 (1)
Labietis Zintnieks
Mead| -

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40 Reviews 3.3 Average 1 Median

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